Message of Condolence!

Inna lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Raji’un..!

It is with immense sorrow that I extend my heartfelt condolences on the tragic news of the helicopter crash that has claimed the lives of Iranโ€™s President Ebrahim Raisi, the Foreign Minister, the Imam of Tabriz Mosque, and the Governor of East Azerbaijan. This devastating incident has left a profound impact on not only the people of Iran but also the entire Muslim Ummah.

President Raisi was a dedicated and compassionate leader who worked tirelessly for the betterment of his nation and the Islamic world. His untimely passing, along with such esteemed officials and religious leaders, is a significant loss. Their contributions to Iran’s political, social, and religious spheres will be remembered and revered for generations.

We in Sri Lanka have been the beneficiaries of Iranโ€™s humanitarian assistance on numerous occasions. Their support during our times of need, had been invaluable. This bond of friendship and solidarity between our nations will continue to strengthen, even in the face of such tragedies.

In these moments of grief, our thoughts and prayers are with the bereaved families and the people of Iran. We pray that Allah (SWT) grants the departed souls Jannatul Firdaus and provides strength and patience to their loved ones to endure this immense loss.

Let us unite in offering our support and solidarity to our brothers and sisters in Iran during this time of sorrow. May we all find solace in our faith and the knowledge that Allahโ€™s wisdom is beyond our understanding.

Rishad Bathiudeen MP
Leader – All ceylon Makkal Congress