โ€œGood Hard Work!โ€


Groundbreaking IFC research thrusts Mannar to vanguard of Green Hotspot brands


As Lanka Tourismโ€™s spend per day rate topped $ 105, a ground-breaking study by no less than International Finance Corporation (IFC) with several international stakeholders has now identified and unravelled one of the best kept secrets of Sri Lanka tourism-Brand Mannar. โ€œMannar, though appears to be innocuous, clearly has the potential to become the eco-tourism destination of Sri Lanka if not the whole region and can easily entertain a green field entry by a multinational tourism operator. It can perhaps stand as its own Tourism Brandโ€ said an upbeat Shavn Mann (Manager-IFC South Asia Tourism Program) on 13 March in Colombo.


IFCโ€™s Mann was addressing Rishad Bathiudeen (Minister of Industry and Commerce and also Member of Parliament for Vanni Electoral District, which includes Mannar District) on 13 March at EDB. Mann was making a special presentation to Minister Bathiudeen on IFCโ€™s in-depth, four month long landmark survey called โ€œTourism Development Strategy for Mannar Districtโ€ -first of its kind in-depth development survey ever by any international entity on Mannar District. IFC mobilised a study team in late 2013 – early 2014 under IFCโ€™s Tourism Development Program for Mannar District. The team was convened by TRC Tourism, New Zealand, and included consultants from Total Management Solutions Company (Sri Lanka), Urbnarc (Singapore), and Hitesh Mehta Design (Florida, USA). The survey team, based on discussions with the 16 member strong steering committee, conducted on the ground assessments and consulted stakeholders, community leaders and used its own judgment in Mannar to complete a qualitative audit of Mannar District as a tourism destination.


โ€œMannar which is now the gateway to strategic Gulf of Mannar, played a crucial role in ancient times. It was the last port of call in the ancient โ€œRed Sea/East Africa-Southeast Asiaโ€ naval silk route. It was the sole feeder hub of ancient kingdoms here, and emerged the hub port specially during the Anuradhapura kingdom. Our Tourism Destination Audit on Sri Lanka shows tourism growth trends to be positive. Nearly three quarters come for pleasure, and average spend per day per tourist at $ 105 is growing at 5% annuallyโ€ said IFCโ€™s Mann and added: โ€œWith average length of tourist stay at 10 days in Sri Lanka, it is clear that tourists are continuously venturing out of Colombo to Jaffna, Anuradhapura โ€“the northern circuit, partly to explore and partly to satisfy post conflict curiosity. Mannar is entrenched in Kalpitiya / Jaffna / Trincomalee northern tourism circuit but more importantly, itโ€™s the touristsโ€™ diversion from this established circuit to a green adventure-thatโ€™s Mannar Brand! With new train ferry, highway infrastructure, potential recommencement of Talaimannar-India ferry and expanding markets, as well as linkages to Kalpitiya, Wilpattu National Park, Trincomalee, Jaffna, ancient cities of Anuradhapura and Sigiriya, the โ€œMannar Tourism Brandโ€ can play a pivotal role in overall Northern Tourism. According to our study, the two market segments for Mannar Brand are domestic and international tourists-domestic overnight tourists at 500,000 per year and international tourist count at 6000 per year, which is not much as of now. But with the promotion of Mannar brand through its many cultural, water based and wildlife/marine tourist attractions.


โ€œThere is strong potential for well-planned and systematic development of Mannar District in a manner through tourism development, which we believe is a key anchor for Mannar Brandโ€ said Nayana M Mawilmada, Managing Director of the TMS Company, a consultant to the study. โ€œTo kick off Mannar tourism, Human resource development plays a vital role. There is also the need to mitigate potential tourism fearsโ€ Mawilmada added.


โ€œI appreciate your hard workโ€ said Minister Bathiudeen, addressing IFCโ€™s Mann, and added: โ€œAs the next step, we need to take up discussions with line agencies, including Sri Lanka Tourism, and stakeholders and create a way-perhaps a forum similar to โ€œInvest in Eastโ€ Forum. More importantly, I am keen to involve the private sector in this, perhaps Private Public Partnerships.โ€


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